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Results 780-800 of 800 for Peter Suciu

Intel Aims to Bridge GPU Gap

Intel's highly anticipated Ivy Bridge chips, which offer the promise of significant improvements in speed and power usage along with support for USB 3.0, were officially launched on Monday. The first wave of these new chips, which offer a smaller package compared to Intel's current Sandy Bridge chips, will include 13 quad core processors. ...

IBM Aims to Equip Electric Cars for the Long Haul

IBM researchers are looking to go the distance with electric vehicles. On Friday, Big Blue announced that material innovation developers Asahi Kasei and Central Glass had joined its Battery 500 Project team to develop new battery technology for electric vehicles ...

‘X-Ray Vision’ Tech Could Work With Cellphone Cameras

X-ray vision won't just be limited to comic book superheroes in the future. A team at the University of Texas at Dallas led by Kenneth O, Ph.D., professor of electrical engineering, has made new scientific advances that could make it possible for cameras to see through solid walls ...

Zuckerberg’s Instagram Poker Face

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg apparently lives by the idea that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission. This seems to have been the case with his decision to acquire Instagram earlier this month. ...

Greenpeace Lambastes Apple, Amazon, Microsoft for Creating Foul Clouds

Behind every cloud there supposedly is a silver lining, but a new report from Greenpeace, titled "How Clean Is Your Cloud?" may mean stormy weather for Apple, Amazon and Microsoft. The three tech giants use "dirty" energy to power their data centers, according to the report, which was released Tuesday. ...

AT&T Let Scammers Overrun Calling Service, Feds Charge

The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against telecommunications giant AT&T, claiming that the carrier allowed scammers to use a calling service for the hearing-impaired and then stuck U.S. taxpayers with the bill. ...

Nvidia’s New GPUs Could Be Real Game Changers

Nvidia has launched the first graphic processing units (GPUs) based on its next-generation Kepler graphics architecture, which offers the promise to deliver superior gaming performance, according to the company ...

Yahoo May Face Bitter Battle Over Board Makeup

One of Yahoo's major investors, hedge fund Third Point, is calling upon shareholders to elect four of its nominees to the company's board. This is just the latest round in what could become a very nasty fight ...

Nokia May Turn Tattoos Into More Than Body Art

Today a tattoo is a popular way of showing off a little individuality, but historically tattoos were used as a form of communication. Roman soldiers and slaves were tattooed on the hands, arms or even face as a way to alert those around them to their status, allowing authorities to more easily keep track of those in bondage ...

Newspapers May Find Salvation in Mobile Apps

Despite 17 percent growth in monthly unique users at the top news sites in 2011, revenue remained an issue, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ), which cites data from Nielsen Online. ...

LightSquared Hires Legal Eagle to Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat

In a move that could be seen as a last gasp, embattled 4G LTE developer LightSquared announced this week that it had hired lawyer Theodore Olson to launch a legal battle against the FCC ...

3D Printing Gets a Speed Injection

The Gutenberg printing press, which was invented around A.D. 1440, truly revolutionized the world. It allowed more people to have access to books, which until that time had to be manually copied by hand. Today the world is seeing another revolutionary advance in printing technology, but this time in 3D printing ...

Journalists Battle Web Censorship With Internet ‘Enemies’ List

While developments such as the Arab Spring show the power of the Internet, there remain news blackouts, harassment of bloggers, and even attempts to shut down social media in several nations. This is one of the key findings of Reporters Without Borders, which released its annual "Enemies of the Internet" report on Monday, listing countries that curtail access to the Web and freedom of expression.

Pew Study: All Search Engines Being Equally Intrusive, Google’s the Best

There is no question that Google is the dominant player in the search engine arena, and a new survey released Friday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 83 percent of U.S. search engine users rated Google as their preferred search engine, despite concerns about the company's data-collection and advertising practices ...

It’s Business as Usual for Anonymous as Panda Takes a Hit

The hacktivists known as "Anonymous" have retaliated following Tuesday's news of the arrests of LulzSec hackers exposed by their former leader, Hector Xavier Monsegur. ...

LulzSec Arrests Take a Few Heads Off the Hydra

Authorities in the United States, as well as in the United Kingdom and in Ireland, have arrested five suspected hackers affiliated with Lulz Security, more commonly known as "LulzSec," a group of so-called hacktivists. Among those arrested is Hector Xavier Monsegur, the suspected leader of the group ...

Sen. Wants FTC to Take a Hard Look at Mobile Apps’ Snooping Practices

Neither Apple nor Google are doing enough when it comes to addressing how iPhone and Android applications can access users' private information, according to Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. On Monday Schumer called for the Federal Trade Commission to launch an investigation into reports that iPhone and Android applications can essentially steal data like private photos and address books...

SpeechJammer: Big Brother Is Shushing You

The First Amendment is meant to protect freedom of speech, but a new device could thwart it -- not through censorship but by affecting the brain's cognitive processes. The SpeechJammer gun could thus prevent a shot from being heard round the world ...

EU Turns Up the Volume on Google Privacy Grumbling

Google's new privacy policy, which took effect Thursday, violates EU law, European Union Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding said on the BBC's Radio Four Thursday morning ...

New Social Network for Caregivers Bucks ‘User as Product’ Model

Former Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz is offering caregivers a social networking service designed to be free of confusing privacy policies and invasive advertising ...

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