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Results 21-40 of 1127 for Denis Pombriant

Oracle’s Siren Song of Less is More

Oracle has waxed and waned over the years about the benefits accrued using an integrated suite of applications instead of opening up to a slew of best-of-breed apps. They're back now, peddling the idea of a unified suite in marketing. Recently, EVP Rob Tarkoff went so far as to say that "best of breed has jumped the shark." ...


Preparing for an Uncertain Economic Future: Where to From Here?

I've been searching for an explanation of what's going on out there in economics, technology, and business for a while -- heck, all of my professional life ...



Before the AI revolution, CRM had a well-defined, if not often discussed, role that tied it to the product commoditization cycle ...

Salesforce Brings Generative AI to CRM and Its Name Is Einstein GPT

Generative AI seems to be sweeping the world, but this is something we ought to be vetting more seriously, observed Denis Pombriant, a founder and managing principal of Beagle Research Group, a CRM analyst firm in Stoughton, Mass "In the long history of CRM, we've seen the tec...


The Quantum of Salesforce

Cloud computing, and especially Salesforce's brand of it, has changed the business world significantly, and that's undisputable to the point of being cliché. However, Benioff and company are not done yet; they may be going through some of the same turbulence we've seen over the years as activist investors take adversarial positions with the company's stock -- but the result will likely be different...


How Oracle Stays a Step Ahead of Activist Investors

Two things occurred to me while writing about Salesforce's current dust-up with activist investors. First, in the last piece, I noted that activist investors are all over the place, and they take interest in companies and whole sectors all the time when they see an opportunity to make a buck. Nothing unusual there ...


Salesforce’s Suitors

This could end badly -- or not ...


Why Tech Jobs Are Vaporizing

Almost every major tech company is experiencing a round of layoffs, even though most are making good profits. Many people have never seen vast layoffs like this, so the honest question is, why is this happening? Is it fashion, fatigue, or something more secular to blame? You can't rule out fashion in a monkey-see, monkey-do way ...


Zoho Desk Pairs People and Bots

As an analyst, I am a generalist -- you almost must be unless you're Paul Greenberg, who captures and manages a hellacious amount of data about nearly every company in the space. Hat's off to my buddy Paul! ...


CRM in the Era of ‘Peak Tech’

The signs and symptoms of the tech world's decline in 2022 abound. "Peak Tech," suggests writer Brian Merchant in an article from The Atlantic titled "The End of the Silicon Valley Myth." His blunt pronouncement: "The companies that define our digital lives have hit a wall." If true, it's a serious indictment and raises the critical question: What's next?...


CRM in 2023

Predicting the future is a fool's errand, even, or maybe especially, in CRM, yet we're all over it like a cheap suit this time of year ...


Iterate, Don’t Fail

The fail-fast idea is the iterative prototyping of our time, though I find the older term preferable. Implicit in the failure idea is that you succeed now and then, and it's only to get to the successes that we seek fast failure. If it ain't gonna work, let's be done with it and try something else ...


Pentagon Cloud Procurement, Deux

The U.S. Department of Defense last week announced a $9 billion contract to get the major tech companies to provide its next-generation cloud computing infrastructure and application platform. I think ...


Time To Bring Back the Corporate Research Lab

Salesforce had its quarterly earnings call the other day. No spoiler, they made a lot of money, grew significantly, and generally had fun doing it. However, the real news from the call, for me, was that Bret Taylor is stepping down from the number 1-A position of Co-CEO and Co-Chair to return to his roots in entrepreneurship ...


Elon, Remember Thy Stakeholders

CRM is, in many ways, the story of maturing markets. Our technology was innovated to help with the big jobs of finding customers for new and sometimes hard-to-understand products, servicing those customers, and finding ways to renew their enthusiasm with new versions ...


CloudWorld Reevaluated

I came away from CloudWorld (metaphorically, I was not on site) with a distinct feeling of meh. There were loads of announcements and new technologies that would fill most customers' shopping carts, but it was hardly overwhelming for me as a CRM analyst ...

Oracle Continues DB Performance Push

How do they do this? That's all I want to know ...

Oracle Alloy Debut

Some of the challenges that app companies face, especially cloud front- and back-office companies, include data location and security. A cloud business linked directly to end customers might not see this, but service providers like financial institutions and telcos, integrators, and independent software vendors (ISVs) experience this regularly. They are both the customers of and vendors to others of cloud services...


Oracle CloudWorld Kicks Off

CloudWorld, Oracle's rebranded user conference, kicks off this week in Las Vegas. The venue change during Covid also changed the vibe of the conference that once dominated San Francisco, but it's for the best ...


Twitter, Musk: And the Winner Is … CRM

It's too early to say for sure, but if current trends prevail, Twitter will become part of the burgeoning Elon Musk empire. Call it Twitter-sla or TwitterX or Muskatweet, if you want but then ask who really won in the tug-of-war that's been swaying back and forth for nearly six months ...

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